All posts by summerwong64

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百寶Tai C

大師除左個人本身係個知識百寶箱,亦都係工具百寶箱 Outdoor setup又有咩好怕,隨時拎幾張露營櫈比大家坐 @29/4/2015
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初初入pp頭幾年都冇咩機會同大師合作,只係知道呢位係受人尊敬既大師, 去到後期開始做installation既project就多左好多合作機會,所有project 既site check, on-site set up, 大師都會親自落場落手做,冇人係會覺得呢位係老闆,因為佢完全冇老闆既架子,但又絕對有老闆既霸氣 永遠懷念呢位霸氣的老闆 – The Master Alex Lo
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