All posts by wingwingwingchan21

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當年啱啱入公司,日日響16樓見到大師響度鋸木噴油,心諗哩個裝修師傅都幾勸力,日日都見到佢…直至有一日驚覺佢係大老闆!好彩當時冇講錯嘢。 有幸參與多個interactive projects,大師永遠都會諗方法,不論係technical, design定logistics上,解決各方面challenges,令你放心之餘,亦可以成長得好快,因為從大師嘅各種ideas & solutions,會令你明白咩係 flexibility, intelligence 同innovative。 記得有晚set完機,去食飯,大師分享咗唔同國家嘅教育policy,再帶出佢嘅教育觀之餘,仲reinforce咗”coding is as compulsory as language &...
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